Anonymous ID: 82d7b1 June 20, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.1843354   🗄️.is 🔗kun





A politically connected person (cabal witch) I made the mistake of renting a room from stole all of my clothing and ignored my calls and the first lawsuit to return it. So, what I did was sue one of her corporate associates to at least get my money back... but I sued her in a jurisdiction that I am more familiar with. I also got some friends in the federal government to investigate the local police, who she apparently has blackmail on. (That part is ongoing, and she might have her child taken away due to her drug dealing activity.)


Anyway, a few days ago, after the documents were served, got a call from one of my police friends telling me that their business partner called the court and chewed out the clerk of the court thinking that would make the lawsuit go away. LOL. It's proceeding and since I already have a default judgement (and more evidence of their wrongdoing) it will be a slam-dunk.


Law is a lot more like politics than people think.


t. paralegal and private investigator