Anonymous ID: d82fa9 June 21, 2018, 12:02 a.m. No.1843698   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I keep forgetting that there's literal autists on this board.


I wasn't talking about you guys. Obviously you're here now, you're not going to be part of the 4-6% that refuse to believe.


The 4-6% of people who refuse to accept the truth will be the 4-6% who have the most to lose. It's that simple.


And it's not just about them refusing to accept the truth–it's the refusal of them to admit it. When they're torn from their mansions and everything they've stolen is redistributed, they will claim Donald Trump is a villain until the day they die in their jail cells. When those who mindlessly worship these Leftist icons–those idiots on Twitter that have made Liberalism their religion since the 70's, based their entire identities on it…they will not change, either. They also have something to lose.


It is just as Jesus said–it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven. It would also take great strength to either a) admit that the only reason you were great was because of the commission of evil acts on your behalf, or b) admit that you've been unknowingly fighting to empower child molesters because you're a fucking idiot that believes anything the shiny box tells you.


There's your 4-6%.

Anonymous ID: d82fa9 June 21, 2018, 12:11 a.m. No.1843775   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3779 >>3780


Pray to God.


It isn't hard to imagine that God exists. You can logic it out, even if you only believe in the universe as we've been taught.


We are a middle-aged planet, circling a middle-aged star, in a universe that contains trillions of trillions of stars that we know of–essentially a countless amount.


If we have been visited, than those that have visited us have abilities that we cannot fathom. They might as well be Gods to us, just as we might be Gods to an amoeba.


The most reliable texts, the ones that read historically and have locations to back them up, speak of visitors that defer to God.


Pray to God. Understand that you don't understand Him. Think of Him as a grape might think of a farmer–the only thing you can hope for is that He is happy with you.


And be thankful that He is so much more than human.

Anonymous ID: d82fa9 June 21, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.1843913   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3936


A lot of people are concerned about the boards, anon. I haven't seen Q worry about much more than the obvious shills that have been trying to sew discord.


When Q says that everyone will be coming here, you can bet that that will be the case. People need to be broken out of their safe spaces and dainty shells–we need to remind people what free speech sounds like. I'm not saying that we need to making things disgusting on purpose…but I think we should keep acting like anons always act.


We are a far cry from a society that could tolerate Andrew Dice Clay, as in the 80's. When I saw Lewandowsky clown that idiot with "Wah Wah" yesterday, it was like I felt a weight being taken off my chest–finally some just gave that idiot about as much respect as he deserved. This has happened several times throughout history–another instance was when Reagan made his famous "awww, shut up!" statement. People need to see that, to know it's both acceptable and desirable to speak honestly and openly despite the fact that some people's feelings will get hurt. And those whose feelings do get hurt need to learn tolerance, not whining…because those who are sensitive make excellent spiritual healers when they muster their focus on learning how to get along with people rather than attacking everyone that disagrees.


People will come here when they want to know what the Hell is going on. Proofs will likely get clearer and clearer. Life will likely get more and more hectic.


When the world goes mad, people aren't going to say "ewww, I'm not going in there" if there is where they'll find the truth. I would wade through a sewer if it held the answers to the world's problems, and I think that this is where things are headed.