Q came to /pol/ because he is a wiseanon, he lost one of his companies (in china) because of 4chan, he learned a good lesson in how powerful the memes can be, he used /pol/ to win the election and now he's using infinity to further the mission, a free army of dedicated deplorables, why wouldn't he come to /pol/ for help, a strategic move that was well planned out from the beginning, a whole chapter in The Art of War is about spying, intelligence, disinformation, propaganda, winning without losing troops in battle, winning wars by winning minds, etc.
These boards would suck if they were cleaned up, Qutubers like praying medic, nemo v, etc. and many other good normie friendly sites will inform them better than them trying to figure it out here, there are already some good "Qanon for dummies" videos out there that explain things very well, when everything comes to light, Brad Parscale's talents will be at the center of it all
ask those cops that got a look at wiener's laptop
after seeing a few cocks, assholes, and pussies and some nigger jew nazi rants, most will leave and look elsewhere for more civilized info, and it won't be hard to find, no worries, those that seek shall find