Anonymous ID: f0287b June 21, 2018, 12:04 a.m. No.1843716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think of Time as an expression of the relationship between past, present, and future and not a set measurement, just like distance is an expression of the relationship between the points A and B and not a set measurement.


Think of the atom as a representation of the past, present, and the future. At the center is the past and the present and what flitters about (the election) is a manifestation of the future.


That's why when when it's said that there's a possibility that we are all sharing a single electron, that is true: we are all sharing a single future and that future moves about concerning on what we choose.




Because as we interact with our environment, we quantumly entangle ourselves to it. Quantum entanglement is nothing more than the manifestation of cooperation between two different entities at the "spiritual" level. The stronger the connection, the more a change in A influences a change in B.


Thus, the future works on a priority system (priority of "movement" for the electron). From first to last, ever decision is tallied and the most powerful/those that are more quantum/soul-entangled with everything else both in number and strength, the more influence they have over the electron/future.


That is why God/the Source is the Supreme and the Infinite. Since everything consists of it and it is fully aware of Itself, It has an infinitely strong and infinitely numerous and complete quantum connection with everything.


Thus infinite and absolute influence over the future/the electron, if it so chooses.


Electron = The Future

Proton = Present?

Photon = Past?

Anonymous ID: f0287b June 21, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.1843824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3833 >>3849

Time does not exist in the same manner that distance does not exist, either.


What is is the smallest unit of measurement? What does that mean?

If you can cut something up an infinite amount, can the individual parts truly be said to actually exist?

Is Time relative?

Is Distance relative?

The only reason that Time is the most obvious because it is the most bare-bones expression in the physical universe in that nothing about its non-existence is actually hidden.


What is Time?

What is Time if it does not exist?

Anonymous ID: f0287b June 21, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.1843871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>3922


Time Travel is possible.

It works in a similar manner as divination.

It is back-and-forth communication with the future-state-as-things-are-tallied-in-current-priority.


Think as:

The Diviner reaches out to the "future" (taps into the knowledge held within the shared electron). The Future tallies all, reports back to the past (neutron).

The past influences the present (proton) placement of divination tools (cards, dice, bones).

The present occurs.

The state of the present and past is then noted by the future.


Diviners are beings more quantumly-linked the the shared electron (future) for communication purposes.

Anonymous ID: f0287b June 21, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.1844004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048 >>4052


Remote viewing works by the same quantum-link (coopereration between entities).


Everything that "exists" is of God/The Source.

Thus, everything that can be experienced is of God/The Source.

Thus, everything that can be Remove Viewed is of God/The Source.


Remote viewing works by cooperation of entities: the agreement of the viewed to be viewed. It does not have to be completely honest.


Quantum Entanglement can be strong or weak.

Priority system.


That is why remote viewing effects quantum results as well.