Exclusionary logic masquerading as inclusive.
Hate motivated logic masquerading as love.
Which we can know by detection of psychological projection through reaction formation, the advertising industry has been captured by racists and homophobes.
If they weren't racist or homophobic, then the distribution of 'black' and 'gay' instances would be approximating roughly 10% and 5% respectively.
The fact that it's not is due to the advertisers consciously making content decisions based on race and on sexual preference, which isn't definition racism and homophobia.
The Iron Law of Woke Projection never misses.
>Regurgitates already refuted attempt to switcheroo
Kek, nope. It's logically an extreme anti-religion, that 'looks' like a religion.
Religions are God faiths.
When Q saysTHEYwant us divided by religion, Q was referring to those who see themselves as 'above' all religion.
Satanism rejects God and calls on its adherents to see themselves as Gods.
Anon just posted an example.
It is literally true in 2023 that there are those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
It's staring at you in the face.
Satanist operating system logic, which can extend to various 'branches', is all predicated on one fundamental belief: Radical rejection of transcendent God and "I want to be the real God" logic.
The primary motivation of Satanism is to destroy God.
>What makes you think you know the real God?
That's a question for the Satanists, Anon. They're the ones who think they know.
Money, power and the world trusting the Vatican to be a 'sovereign state'.
->Sanctuary against criminal prosecution
Well then good thing Anon is immune from all attempts to divide humanity by religion, including attempts to divide by smearing and slandering 'biblefags' as 'anti-semitic'.
Nice projection.
What Maher said is what motivates 99% of the radical anti-Trumpers.
They're all scared of justice.