>>18434347 PB
Then why are the Satanists (bad guys) so fucking evil?
And they hate Christianity.
Your argument makes no sense.
Why would they create a religion (Christianity) that they hate?
If they were going to create a Religion, it would be anything but Christianity. It would look more like the Muslim religion of Islam (which is also anti-Christian)
But only a Christian understands this. People who are not Christians, have no understanding of Christianity.
The Muslim religion was created by the Jews to combat Christianity because the Jews didn't want to get their own hands dirty.
Islam is The Hotel California. You can enter anytime you like, but you can never leave. And the Fake Jews want to be an exclusive private club. So the world has only a few million Jews, but billions of Muslims.
The Christian churches, including the Catholic Churches, are attacked from the outside by the Muslims, and from the inside by Satanic infiltrators. And then there are the fake Christian churches like the Mormons.
Multi-pronged attack on Christians.
Satanists do not want people to be Christians.
Christianity is the opposite of being controlled.
Christianity is Freedom.