I wish that hunter will be the next president.
gee, some peopleโฆโฆโฆ..
when this monsters will die???????????
I'm fucking getting older in here, and soros, it is getting younger.
like wife?
Humans are the fucking parasites, they stole election, create wars, biolabs, and so on.
you should say ty if you get alive of this year.
from the blue beam
obv you have no idea w/ who you're typing w/.
fuck you, and your english.
go suck some english people's dick, like barr, wray of light, session and durham, bye, dumb fuck, criminals of the world, w/ your english, I like Russian, you suck my dick, in english, you fucking fuck dumb fuck shit.
we are here, from many countries, and we speak in yuour language, w/ our english, b/c we consider you stupid, that will not know to use a translator, and your google translator it is worse than our english, you are idiots that have a retarded pedo as president and the most corrupt gov on this planet, you are the source of all evil, yet you demand to speak and write correct, while you corrupted all the gov possible on this planet, killed presidents, sometimes your own and create wars, for profit and power. fuck you, garbage! you have no history, but killing your ancestors, to take their land and money/gold and rape their women, you fucking piece of shit!
here, have the truth, and fuck w/ me.
fuck you, and reeeeeeeeee.
There is no God, you fucking idiot.
What kind of God will let a criminal like this be president?
There are aliens, some good, some bad.
No God.
I have no right to get fucking angry??????
You amazing soulโฆโฆโฆโฆcan I tell you something?!
If you had half of a month , What I had for six yearsโฆโฆโฆโฆ..you'll killed yourself already.
what free will?
what 2 legs? -I have a girl friend that can't use those legs you speak about it! she wants to walk like a normal person, this is free will, where it is it??????????????
you speak from books, dumb?????????
you need a brian implant.
sorry, my lack of intelligenge.
So free will it is only for me?
Great So I wish that can walk normal and me to die till morning.
was an article on wef, about humans hanger and bennefits to the worldโฆโฆโฆ 2,3 months ago.
I will not steal any country, frog.
I play big, I'll take the whole planet.
And I will give you the opportunity, in 3,4 years, to take me out, if you'll not like my leadership.
How about you learning the Manthis language?
Or Russianโฆโฆ..
Imagine a deep shit, that cuts his dick and put it in he's ass, then scream of pleasure.
I wish yuou all go back in the 70s when you can go drunk, and have no risk to wake up nxt to a monster, of 150 killo.
wait, what? I need no handoff.
who said that will make pancakes today?