It was known in 1957 that vaccines cause the disease they're supposed to protect people from.
Pic excerpt: The Poisoned Needle, Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
Eleanor Mcbean, 1957
It was known in 1957 that vaccines cause the disease they're supposed to protect people from.
Pic excerpt: The Poisoned Needle, Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
Eleanor Mcbean, 1957
"Less than one hundred years after we became a nation, a loophole was discovered in the Constitution by cunning lawyers in league with the international bankers. They realized that a separate nation existed, by the same name, that Congress had created in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17. This "United States" is a Legislative Democracy within the Constitutional Republic, and is known as the Federal United States. It has exclusive, unlimited rule over its Citizenry, the residents of the District of Colombia, the territories and enclaves (Guam, Midway Islands, Wake Island, Puerto Rico, etc.), and anyone who is a Citizen by way of the 14th Amendment (naturalized Citizens)."