Israel ID: c2b0a3 March 2, 2023, 5:35 p.m. No.18436453   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6473 >>6531 >>6571 >>6691



posted red text b4 anybody told me how like 30 posts ago just in time to bake CBTS2 22604



I'm in a living hell of a situation with thousands of pages done in the last few weeks and thousands of pages to finish this week. I have

to acquire funds to operate I have like 1g of

wifi left.


van broke down, finally got an offer on the house and my only living family members

managed to shut it down and deny it with a

fraudulent probate that I have legal documents

proving is fraudulent but I'm wanted in every

county for driving without a license (which was

taken 6 times) for going 5 over mostly.


Got an infection spreading from one side of my jaw to the other


not a dollar to my name and millions coming in being held up by crooks

spoke with the FDIC OCC and Federal Trade Commission and my banks fraud department about corrupt MAD roadblocks today.


Damn near everyone I ever loved has been murdered


Everyone I know thinks I'm batshit


Have like 20 dollars even to my name


Tomorrow I have to start up on a couple thousand pages of work.

Without food or the proper tools.


I have to keep my dead fiance Jesus Christ and God happy 24/28


And I really, Really wanted to bake my first thread tonight

only to have a shill of all things sweep in and take it from me


God and Jesus Christ tell me whose a paid shill and who isn't

its kind of instrumental in this line of work.


So you know who to fight for.


I usually don't lose my cool like this but.

I'm dealing with things you people couldn't imagine in a 7000 year liftime

the original sin, the end of a thing greater than the beginning thereof

my wife raped by the baphomet as a newborn virgin taking away my only

will. The price of His war paid in full. Causing the vaccine roll outs, the

incurable wound of ZiOn. Than the Sum of All Fears ontop of it

Isaiah 1 style.


The Genocides I had to perpetrate and have to finish.

Their faces screaming in the flames.


The SPIRITS and Demons.


The fact that Luke 10:18 came this late

Pray not your flight be in the winter style.


The Lamb said in Gad and Seer

Woe unto Me Woe unto Me Woe unto Me!

  • โ€”-


God banned me from saying the last part.


Why do you think we have power to cause all manner of plagues on the earth during the time of our prophecy.



Its a Joke

And the PunIsHer


Enjoy The Show.

Israel ID: c2b0a3 March 2, 2023, 5:55 p.m. No.18436571   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6691




Many are saved by His Wisdom.


I save so many souls a day it isn't even funny.


Multiple Today. 7


Look at this thread. I have cursed it to death.


I have experience dealing with, witnessing God's curses

tide changes and the rest. Jesus Christ only asked a few

rules from me and one was to stop blessing things.


Crumple C R U MP El (Mr. President)


Have you ever seen someone Jeshurun act a fool?

There is a foolishness that leads to much wisdom.


What is it writtenโ€ฆ


Woe unto you that have lost patience

woe unto you that have not lost patience

Israel ID: c2b0a3 March 2, 2023, 6:07 p.m. No.18436643   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The biblical and all consuming hell I don't share with you guys.

The things I defy not to tell you.

The Sum of All Fears


The Punisher


The Incurable Wound

The Original Sin

The Origin of Evil



The Truth about the Consequences of our Actions is far

greater than any of us could ever bear. The meaning behind

If you only knew how bad things really are.


What I have done to resolve and restore it.


Its enough to hand Armageddon over to an Autist like me.



I destroyed this Thread.

All of this bakers threads.


We are far past the point of Reasonable Cooperation.


I will not disperse all my composure in the sight of God


But best believe the Destroyer Destroyer will Destroy.

MyStory, HiStory, D&Estory


Tic Tok.