Is it for the silly idea of fighting WW3 against the ‘nasty russians’… or is it for capturing the global criminals who have made Ukraine their playground of corruption?
Withdrawal from all participation with anything this governments says or tries to do or pretends they are the Authority over about ANYTHING…
IS the most peaceful way forward.
I do not doubt that such a fucking treasonous government will try to use more coercion and force upon We the People… but they will only more generate the opposition they are begging for to snuff the fuckers out in their suicidal quest for subjugation.
Because sick fuckers are magnetically drawn to positions of power, leadership and influence OVER other people they want to fuck in the ass, metaphorically and literally.
A mud puddle in the back yard is more Educational than what those Skools are offering now.
And those are just the ones that HAVE been arrested?!?!?!?
I can not deny my openness to the SMOD concept.
Well… i liked that little blurb above encouraging one to pursue their artwork, gardening, constructions and such.
If there was a way to not be Anon anymore, I’d invite ya for a beer, dig holes in the ground and build a new House of Reflection for the Spirit Above. But we still have no sure way of identifying Frenz or Feindz through this internet yet.
Best of luck to ya,
I too ‘wanna a new drug’
‘The Balance’… yes it is the worthy pursuit.
It would be cool to try one of those heads up glasses and have a text reader scrolling through the kunpages with hands free in the barnyard. But i’ve shunned most any New Tech until i see some more measurable results in our real world.
In the mean time, balancing time spent here to read your fantastic shitpostings vs. planting more trees, is a worthy challenge.