>Guuuuuuuud morning to all the real anons,
Then you hooknosed rat faced khazarian bastard are out! Fucking brain-dead mongrels!
>Guuuuuuuud morning to all the real anons,
Then you hooknosed rat faced khazarian bastard are out! Fucking brain-dead mongrels!
Kikemerica and Lady khasarian hooknosed whore! What a bunch of brain-dead fucks, ameritards!
>the shills, well, no one cares
You filthy brain-dead hooknosed mongrels are the Shills, ww!
What if you fuck are only a little hooknosed wana-be? You fucks are cut of for eternity!
>Must be nice having nothing and no one,
You ratfaced mongrel don't know shit! KYS fucking mongrels, or humans will kill you of to the last shat out bratling!
Surrender fucking mongrel Kikes!
>What are (you), new?
As I said, brain-dead fuckwit!
I am the creator of ideas for this and many other operations!
I am ONE!
Keck, and brainless like all hooknosed mongrels!
>You never know who you're talking to here.
BS, you brain-dead mongrels don't know shit!
>We see (((you)))
Everyone see (ME) know! Keck!
>Why do you choose to be so far from the truth
He is a hooknosed mongrel! These fucks are born this way, and there is nothing that can help these fucks! Only death will set them free! They choose this way!
>fairy tales
>made for females
BS hooknosed mongrel brat!
They were written to warn the descendants about you rat-faced bastards, as well as the stories of blood-sucking parasitic vampires, called Kikes!
I just love to kick such stupid brain dead rat kids, like you, in the balls!
>you would not like to meet this anon
KMAO, you won't stand a single second in a fight with me, that's for sure hooknosed mongrel!
>gonna need some proof of that shirley
You would not be the first rat brat what ends six feet under!
>not now faggot
There the small hooknosed cowardly rat already pulls in the tail! Typical! I kill you fuck in less then a second with a big grin on my face!
>anon has work to do.
You ratfaced mongrels can't hide behind anon or anonymous!
>Spam removed
And what is spam or not decide as always small rat-faced hooknosed mongrels! Death to all of you brain-dead Kike faggots.
>sure it isโฆ.
Sure, hooknosed mongrels!
>(you) and yer racist bullshit are the personification of spam
I am the opposite of a racist, you brain-dead piece of Jew filth! I am for the preservation of the different races, nations and cultures! You who wants to mix everything, you are the racist, you are the Nazi, you are Kike!
>They were too weak to stop an invading army and they were conquered.
With firearms versus bows and arrows, what heroes you rat-faced Yankees are!
Typical ratfaced Bastards!
>just mad cuz I don't ban yer sorry ass
>you aren't worth burning an IP on
Multikultiglobohomo faggot! KYS!
I drew that picture over 30 years ago as a kid in school!
They steal everything I am for 40 years!
>have a drink
Nah, I don't have any alcohol in the house, so I don't get drunk before the cops show up again to take me to the nearest jail to sober up. It has escalated several times.
>fun is fun
Nah, fun quickly turns serious when Punch and Judy show up.
There were already some funny stories that would be worth telling!