It seems Q was talking about J6, not "locking her up".
I got duped too.
Those mass Hedge Fund purchases, that were driving up prices, were probably also doing the same kind of money laundering, and political payments that were happening in AZ.
Bet there's a connection.
33 says, "Cannabis is killing Big Pharma. Make it suck as bad as possible."
Strain Hunters Jamaica Expedition
Would hate to be a chronic pain patient in this day and age
The coordinated restrictions on medications that work is killing the patients and sending them to the streets.
23 = PAIN
All planned for the amusement of and for the profit of those who have never suffered.
"When you get caught stealing the diamonds (Crown Jewels?), you have to return them".
The "War in Ukraine" is to "recover" the Davy Crocketts that HRC sold to Russia through ISIS in Benghazi?
>"When you get caught stealing the diamonds (Crown Jewels?), you have to return them".
This was something Trump said many times, seemingly about "the elections".
If "nukes" = "Crown Jewels"
The "Diamonds" could equal "nukes" too.