top of the morning baker
Any anons have trouble with aural comprehension?
–bad with song lyrics
— bad with foreign language comprehension (though you may speak it well0
say 'what?' a lot?
Good hearing otherwise?
–voice of god might not work so well with (you)?
Swear I'm not ((Tavistock))
Curious as to what brain condition including GATE or TAG might lead to an early awakening.
Along the lines of– were you sleeping when the planes hit…classic GLP thread…
Tone deaf at certain lower ranges..hyper sensitive to upper ranges-→can hear the TV whine long after childhood?
I was tested in second grade for aural comprhension difficulties despite being in the TAG classes and testing in the 98% percentile…kiddo
I'm talking about folks who slept through the event only to find out about it later, or there seems to be an association with being in a car on a road trip on 9/11 and not being exposed to the coverage. Not tuning in to the event as it happened seems to quicken peoples ability to snap out of the trance and question the narrative.
Were you sleeping when the planes hit and how many years did it take until you realized the mainstream narrative was hokey as shit?
–Following the line of my assertion would suggest that people in Hawaii were more likely to realize the mainstream 9/11 narrative to be a crock of shit earlier on because they were asleep the first few hours of the event
Less exposure to crude analog mind control is what I'm thinking
I think we face the same technological and psychological hurdles with the masses now that the waking up from the 9/11 farce story presented. Except most people have not woken up in regards to 9/11 either.
Plus more cell phones, towers, and all digital instead of analog. Perhaps 10 days of darkness would be a big help.
you win