Anonymous ID: 210ad3 June 21, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.1844141   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4179 >>4204 >>4217 >>4369


>>1843974 lb

Same here. GATE.

(These convos are why night shift is best.)

We've talked about this before, about autists being "not hypnotizable," which is part of the autist information gathering style: factual and holistic, with lots of instantaneous cross-checking to establish pattern. This attention style makes it difficult to be emotionally manipulated away from observable fact. We melt down when presented with lies. And you bet they wanted that capacity bred out of the populace. Sorry faggots, you lose!

Anonymous ID: 210ad3 June 21, 2018, 1:36 a.m. No.1844337   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4354 >>4397 >>4400 >>4450


> it is a "long game" topic

>either by smartening up the sheep or by removing their ability to take us with them as they walk off the cliff.


Being the autists we are, we think of the long game all the time. Only idiots will wake to the shit show that the world has become without wondering how to prevent its happening again.


Intelligence distributes on a bell curve, whether we like to admit it or not. You can better educate middle and low IQ sheeple so they're not brainwashed to hate the very things that will help them, but you can't give them higher intelligence. Problem is we've been ideologically poisoned against a natural understanding of hierarchy, both my marxist equality doctrine, and by a hostile (((group))) usurping our traditional "elite" positions, which are meant to be held by those that would use the positions not for self betterment, but to care for their family/village/country, like POTUS and Q team are doing. Instead, these vampires made themselves our masters and abused us almost out of existence.


I've had a theory for awhile that one of the reasons Q team came here was to demonstrate the value of the far edge of the bell curve as regards IQ and independent, selfless thinking: what was once the "noble," "aristorcratic," or "chivalrous" class. I know that will trigger the fuck out of people to hear at first, but sheep need shepherds, or the wolves devour them. And look at us here, sacrificing ourselves to save people we don't even know. It's built into the cake, a compulsion. The cabal has purposely sidelined us so we can't do our job, which is to identify dangers and aids for the benefit of our fellows. Thank God it didn't work.


We're going to have to teach people how to vet and trust real leaders again. Some of us are going to have to step into those leader roles. Warts and allโ€“every one of us is banged up at this point.

Anonymous ID: 210ad3 June 21, 2018, 2:08 a.m. No.1844524   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It's about being able to do the job we were made to do. So many talents and interests out there, twisted into serving evil or rotting useless. When each of us is working to our potentials, as varied and specific as they may be, we'll be so happy and productive as a people. Just look what happened when Q came here and gave us something to work for.


Leaders and autists need care too, and other patriots/citizens have skills that make up where we lack. It blows me away how POTUS is refueled by those rallies, by the love of the people. Keeps him humble, inspires him to fight another day, puts his ego (not meant disparagingly) in perspective, which makes it both bigger in the divine sense and smaller in the human sense at the same time. Sorry anons, rambling. And here I'm supposed to be practicing apprentice baking, kek. Squirrel!!

Anonymous ID: 210ad3 June 21, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.1844679   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4736

Apprentice Baker Practicing Gathering Notables

Here's what I got so far, any adds/subtracts?

Do we even have a baker for next bread?



>>1844406 , >>1844648 Japan to suspend civilian evacuation drills due to peace in NK

>>1844399 Bannon, Salvini, And A Powerful Catholic Cardinal Are Gunning For Pope Francis

>>1844185 , >>1844122 BO creates Q & A Thread

>>1844143 Jun 30 Families Belong Together event

>>1844110 Kids with guns in wanted cars target police in 2 states.

>>1844057 Did Trump meet Kim on 11.6 and again on 6.11 (think mirror)?

Anonymous ID: 210ad3 June 21, 2018, 3:07 a.m. No.1844821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4830 >>4845


>Perfectionists with black and white thinking, if they mess up a task they will often say โ€œfuck itโ€, because they know they could have done it so well, once a little corner is garbled, Why bother?, right?


Apprentice baker nods head in grave agreement while preparing first bread, but feels better about possible fuck up knowing will fuck up around fellow autists.