Anonymous ID: 74d8e9 June 21, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.1844766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4773 >>4790 >>4795 >>4800 >>4813 >>4820 >>4821 >>4864 >>4958


Have you noticed?

…… that people who are awake, think about consciousness, truth seekers…. tend to have struggled with an addiction or alcoholism at some point in their lives. Arguably to be human is to get addicted to SOMETHING but I’m talking about people who are looking to fill a hole, who are usually kind and sensitive but then can become gruff and cruel sometimes - but if they are, the world sort of turned them that way since their underbelly is so soft and gentle. Tender folks.

They tend to be highly productive when sober, deep thinkers, relatively intelligent, and when they aren’t lashing back out at a world that hurt them, when they forgive, they are among the most giving and nurturing people.

These bright and talented individuals were frequently selected for gifted programs in elementary school and could do many things well. However they probably quit things often… or do what is expected of them begrudgingly. They don’t understand the sort of robotic actions in society and (think of Tim Leary’s The Others) they hate the “hows the weather?” elevator banter and long for a table to sit with close friends who want to ponder the deep truths of this reality and not talk about money. Oh yes, money. They’re usually not great with it or they don’t care much about it. Nice to have, but they will easily give away theirs as long as they have the basics.

Often the family’s black sheep, these individuals are willing to see many sides to a story and are not staunch in any one political pigeon hole. They are often the type of child who the parents will say “Bobby, he’s just different.”

Although, they are VERY idealistic and value justice deeply. Frequently firstborn children or the baby of many children, these people dance in the fray not linger at center. They have always felt “weird” and even when they are in the center with a ton of friends feel like outsiders. Never quite at home on earth, they have a pervasive sense of homesickness that confuses them. Their family, whom they love deeply, can feel like a foster family that is with them just for the time being. They struggle with impulse control and wanting life to be “fun”- the fact that we are slaves, drones, dawns on them at a young age and will often think things like “Think of all the hours I waste here” while in elementary school when all the other children never dare- doesn’t occur to them- to dream of the outside while they are seated at their tiny desks.

Perfectionists with black and white thinking, if they mess up a task they will often say “fuck it”, because they know they could have done it so well, once a little corner is garbled, Why bother?, right?

These people- addicts and Alcoholics (or an eating disorder, something self harming not harmful to others) are the type of people who want the world to just be nice and safe. They often work at jobs that are less challenging intellectually than what they are capable of. They have existential crisis-like thoughts about their life and have a deep and persistent feeling that they have a purpose, that they are “supposed” to do something great in this life, not in a narcissistic way, but in the way that they get nervous they have a calling that the daily grind is keeping them from.

These people…. do you know them?

I think you do. I think we are them.

Anonymous ID: 74d8e9 June 21, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.1844792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815 >>4833 >>4854 >>4907


what if it is merely the radiance of an electrostatic dynamo which is almost like a little strangelet. inside the toroid, imo, the membrane of the toroid is what ancients refer to as raqiya or firmament, also known as the great dragon, like tiamat or ouroboros. solar system is like a cell. just as cells have membranes and polarization between inside and outside of the membrane, same is the case with the geocosm. things can go through the raqiyah just like a membrane. i believe a membrane has something calle P-gates that let in phosphorous (light bearer). following so far. P g8 is more than a pedo scandal. why is something scandalous called "X"gate: watergate, PPgate and pizzagate are all recent phenomena that involve 'leaked' info coming from the shadows into the Public noosphere. think about it. there is another Pgate. b hold i stand at the door and knock. . .and so forth. who has the keys the heavens and earth? Peter, a stone. crystals are radiant, crystals are also transceivers (radio). Ra Ys come from the crystal. the all seing eye, the key stone etc are reference to an arc (both mathematically and electrostatically). just as there is a gate through which light enters the geosphere there is a gate to the unterwelt also. this has long been known and is universally a theme in all cosmologies everywhere around the planet. coincidence? this is where Paul comes in. robbing peter to pay paul. A paul onius of tyana was a gnostic heretic. what is the bishop of jerusalem? what is the bishop of rome? very different. who really was given the keys? Peter is a cock/rooster. Pollo is a hen, as in henotheism. Poulos means gate as in the verse where IESSOUS gives kephas aka Peter the keys. 2 keys. one up one down, just like a pole/obelisk in st Ptr square (actually an elipse and a double cross) all this has meaning. the gates (poulos) of hell will not prevail against it. what does this really mean? the keystone is either a capstone under heaven, or a butt-plug under uranus (i.e. ouranous/urania the heavens). the heavens are the waters above, the abyss/apsu are the waters below. qblh and pistis sophia explain all this in thorough detail, but you have to know the code. to get out of the cell you have to follow the path of XPICTOC through the P-gate. there another p gate inside the body where the christos is produced from the red and the white. this is literal. as above so below. as within so without. all morphology is holographically connected from the stars down to cells and atoms. i could go on, but i feel people are really not ready to know this yet. but i will leave you with this. . .it's all in the letters. . .in this case b, p, and H. you can see the morphology relation between b and p pretty easily. they both refer to isomers of the same structure. if you combine them you get H. this goes back to very ancient languages, but the gist of it is that the bottom and the pinnacle are mirrors of each other. there is a reason why they say Jesus H Christ. h is the 8th letter of the alphabet in english, in hebrew the 8th letter sounds like ch. even the sounds of h and 8 are similar (esp. in hebrew). 888 is the number of christ and it refers to a threefold crossing or triple cross. you can find out all about this if you want. look at H. it is two Hemisphers or mirrored arches touching. i could go on and on but if you want to learn it all you can. it's right there once someone shows you i promise. remember Parousia Begins at Home, kids.