Anonymous ID: 9268a8 June 21, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.1844189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4232 >>4392

>>1843938 (pb, BO re- mass influx)

Why not set up a general thread with the somewhat recently introduced Cyclical option that other boards such as >>>/pol/ have available, and move -actual- research to dedicated research threads? This would provide an outlet for anons and normies to post their hearts out together without having to be concerned of hitting a post-limit within 10 minutes or whatever, while still allowing research to be done on the board. There'd likely have to be a lot more crossposting to other threads in this case, if research is separated from the chaff..


The cons to this would be posts are cycled after 750 posts and (as far as i'm aware) they are neither stored nor archived anywhere as we've been accustomed to doing. Q posts would become lost in the fray in such a thread, so Q would be relegated to posting either on his own board, or in research-specific threads- Unless the cyclical thread option has the ability to copy-pasta/move batches of older posts to their own, different thread.. Additional cons is that the concept of notables will have to be re-considered and place a burden on BO/BV to keep the cyclical thread's main post updated with recent Q posts/news/ etc.

Anonymous ID: 9268a8 June 21, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.1844392   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alternatively, keep the same /general research/ bread concept alive and place a focus on quality research related posts only, while having the cyclical thread going as well to allow anons to be given an outlet to continue to express themselves amongst ourselves- quality posts would be invited to crosspost to related threads, and memes to the meme threads.