Anonymous ID: b9de57 June 21, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.1844121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4131 >>4142 >>4147 >>4227 >>4350

>>1844048 (lb)

I perhaps chose the wrong word(s):


If I had a S.'s Cat and I opened the box, the result would be because of whatever is most strongly quantumly link.


If it is just "myself", then I most strongly affect the result.


Substitute myself with "remote viewer".

Works the same, no?

Assuming, of course, "remote viewer" is most strongly quantumly-linked.


If I am wrong, please explain further. It is welcomed.


>>1844052 (lb)

I only view what God has chosen for me to view.

I do not go where I am not sent or called by God.

Do not fear for me, anon.


>>1844049 (lb)

Consider this:

There are no coincidences.

What is a coincidence?


Because everything happens for a reason.

Causation. (to a point)

If there is a reason, that means there is no accidents.

If there are no accidents, then how can coincidences exist?


Everything happens for a reason, anon.

Look at your life through the lens of your failures and your successes, look at what they have taught you, what you have learned, what you have perhaps failed to learn until now, where it has gotten you and how it has shaped your future.


You will find your destiny.

Anonymous ID: b9de57 June 21, 2018, 2:23 a.m. No.1844620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4640






I am still very curious, but self-doxxing apparently.


Spoke to 'Citlali' again.

Just some self-healing.

Things are strange.


What did you find, though, if you cannot tell me what you happened at your moment of inspiration?

Anonymous ID: b9de57 June 21, 2018, 2:55 a.m. No.1844757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Recently was shown Atlantis, too, when it was was still Great and Splendid.


Asking about 4,10,20, too.


Best bet is Cit for what's underneath pyramids.


But really, we'll see where I'm taken.


I am feeling a pull, though.

Could be imagined.

Anonymous ID: b9de57 June 21, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.1844852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4861 >>4883 >>4946


Below the pyramid in Egypt: "What is missing is the intent behind the symbol."


It's a residual understanding of what she said, but it seems like (putting it extremely simply): "A" = "A" if the intent behind the creation of the first A isn't the same as the second A. Sounds like there's some sort of other relationship between the result, the what caused the result, and the purpose of what caused the result.


Also, Pyramids = Something like transmitters? Receivers? Something to send/receive code that would reprogram Earth?


4,10,20 is still a mystery.


In any case, may be an extreme LARP on my part.


Exactly how do we know we're not insane again?

Anonymous ID: b9de57 June 21, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.1844894   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So, what's the basic gist? I'm trying to read it now and having trouble understanding, but my insides are all askew as they rearrange and right themselves.


Everything a hyper-simulation?

Reality's about to come under direct control of something?

I have awful memory problems.