Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.1844101   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4134


For anyone who'd like to go in the exact opposite direction with this song…


Side note, I feel like I have a relationship with BO, as austic as it may be, since his sexy ass (he's fucking adorable) can see my hash.


I don't know when they're untripped unless they give a tell… but like… it's like a fanciful stalking of the upmost caliber.



Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.1844111   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Well than.


I only use hippy brush anyway.



Doctor Bronner's.

For everything.




Jesus teachings.


It's truly is ALL ONE!


(This is not an endorsement, though I literally haven't used anything else for the last couple years.)

Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.1844134   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4142 >>4185 >>4206


And by stalking, I mean on BO's part.


I can't see his hash, after all.


And ask the nerds, I'm an artist… not a mathematician.


Though I dabble.

But not in hashes.

Except for SHA and ECC…


But I'm… fucking… clueless…


This will be resolved soon enough.


I need help motivating the Nerds.

Q is contingent on a thing.


It's not a necessary thing, but we want an S-Rank.


Y'all need to correlate the thing.

You have no idea how much the… VQC… Thing…



Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.1844227   🗄️.is đź”—kun


If you don't see how it do, then you need to up yo game, niggra.



>>>1844048 (You) (lb)


>I perhaps chose the wrong word(s):

Or not. Role with it.

>If I had a S.'s Cat and I opened the box, the result would be because of whatever is most strongly quantumly link.

No, your father's still dead, no matter how much you want him to not be; even if you don't know he was alive when you got there.

>If it is just "myself", then I most strongly affect the result.

Solipsist, much? Faggot.

>Substitute myself with "remote viewer".

The Other? Bae?

Side note, where M be at?

>Works the same, no?

Same as Self?

Bit of a tad redundant…

>Assuming, of course, "remote viewer" is most strongly quantumly-linked.


>If I am wrong, please explain further. It is welcomed.

Are you "wrong" or just "have no fucking clue what you're talking about, regardless of how much of a "clue" you "possess"?

>I only view what God has chosen for me to view.

Even if you convinced yourself you'd gone beyond that, it's only because God chose for your to feel that way.

>I do not go where I am not sent or called by God.

Where else even is there to go?

>Do not fear for me, anon.

Or else what?


>Consider this:

>There are no coincidences.

>What is a coincidence?

You're the one talking about whatever you're suggesting.


You haven't gotten there yet.

>Because everything happens for a reason.

Kind of a paradox that isn't a paradox… y'know?



Just Yes because dat shit beyond dat ish?

>Causation. (to a point)

. :Likes this?

>If there is a reason, that means there is no accidents.

Are. But those don't real, so worries not.

>If there are no accidents, then how can coincidences exist?

Co-Incidence… happen at the same time, regardless of whatever value you place upon the situation.

>Everything happens for a reason, anon.

6 2 1, half dozen to an other.

>Look at your life through the lens of your failures and your successes, look at what they have taught you, what you have learned, what you have perhaps failed to learn until now, where it has gotten you and how it has shaped your future.

Wouldn't have it any other way. Begrud… begrin…

I overcame a thing, but the fuckers deserve no leeway for gleefully filling the negative roles.

>You will find your destiny.

The fuck you think you is?

Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.1844350   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4356 >>4357


You are either who I think you are, or thank you for the prompt.


Where my OCD Asperger Autists at who won't drop the thing the because the thing is Objective Truth and {I} don't know the fuck else I'd be concerned with but I want there to be a standard baseline of understanding that we all do… our do… to… with.


If that means I've chosen a side, that's fine.


I am but a simple War Documentarian.

Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 1:53 a.m. No.1844439   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4493 >>4494 >>4495


VQC more or less has nothing to do with Quantum Ai, but it does cuz P=NP'n'shit.


Really it's about encryption.

It's "Project Mayhem" without physically blowing shit up.


Breaking RSA/PGP.

Breaking ECC/Blockchain.


Are Assange's cables inside Bitcoin?

P=NP. Proof me wrong.

Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.1844494   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4499






Literally only doing this so dudebro doesn't fuck off…


If they already fucked off, I need them to unfuck off.


If you want to see the half-baked/totally baked, bruh, version of whatever the fuck VQC is… go here:

That's both the "index" and "dafuq" visual explanation of what's habbening.


VQC is a very, very important side quest of Q.

The military doesn't work without the nerds designing and operating the super fun jock toys.

Anonymous ID: bc305c June 21, 2018, 3:18 a.m. No.1844875   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4881 >>4927



Here's the thing…


That was back when he did a Q&A on Twatter and crumbs would originate there.


But, if you remember…

Chris Root went down when Assange did…


Then there were people maintaining the handle…


then "Chris" arose when Julian did.


Like Q, there was a hand-off.

Someone else was "given the floor".