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Finger lakes
Cleaning house
I hope I found the right words to get across how you make me feel
It is literally impossible for me to not love you. So weird. I really tried.
Notables will forever stay dumb
How is Love creepy?
A mysterious disease that can strike at any time! Even more effective than muslim terrorists!
Just like the Democratic party supports democracy by definition? Lmao
Who or what is vicky
That‘s totally okay. That just makes me love you more.
So I guess she was „creepily“ in love with another character in that show?
Thanks I guess? I don‘t want that though. It is an ugly picture.
Imagine building your identity around not living in a city
I choose to believe that this was made by Trump
Low vibration poster
Eating bugs would probably suck, although I haven‘t tried yet. The secret is to get the food you actually want to eat.
What makes her love creepy?
Hmm okay it seems you do not want to provide context.
Moo! XD
Stehen ein Rasenmäher und ein Schaf auf der Weide.
Sagt das Schaf „määäh“
Sagt der Rasenmäher „von dir lass ich mir garnix befehlen“
>the devil is a loser and he‘s my bitch