Q, Can you please tell us how Hillary Clinton got the TOP SECRET & CLASSIFIED information onto her UNENCRYPTED, UNSECURED, PRIVATE SERVER?? There is no way to express our overwhelming and continual gratitude. Thank you! #WWG1WGA
PS. Did you get what you needed during the attacks, before the last sec test? Did we nail them??? 😆👍🇺🇸
Q, I have not reviewed all prior research so I apologize if this has been addressed. If not, can you please tell us if there a link between John Brennan's trip to Moscow and the crash of flight FZ981, or the Belgium bombings? Also, do we know if the April Hamburg subway attack was a FF, and has the IPT/SITE been compromised? If so, do we need to take action? Thank you very much! Godspeed
Dear Q, If you know can you please tell us… are they trying to create an actual virtual data cloud in order to line their pockets, or are they trying to create a virtual prison, of sorts, to control and monitor the world? https://youtu.be/xO-v-Uy0NL0 Also, are we to believe that the chemicals are actually needed to protect us from the UVC bec seems to me that's just an excuse to get us to accept the spraying and is actually doing more and more damage over time. Is this where all of the taxpayers money went? How can we exert our rights and put a stop to this when our representative won't respond to questions and our media refuse to acknowledge that it's even happening. It is clear there is something in our atmosphere that is being purposely hidden from the public. Why? If our technical equipment is a danger to us, especially 5G antennas, will they be banned until the problem can be resolved? If not, why not? Does our gov ever know? Do they accept and acknowledge responsibility? If not, we need to know. How can we ever have a well armed public that can protect Americans, when they would more readily take our pistols and ammo, than allow for the provision of private missiles and bazookas? I know those are big questions but we really need some answer and are so grateful for your service and support. Thank you!
One more, please and thank you… is POTUS actively working to do something about the land/air/food/water grab that has been going on by the elite? I don't care how rich the elite get, as long as they are prohibited from using their wealth to suppress the rest of us. We've got plenty of millionaires and billionares, yet we have no clean drinking water, elite selling off our land and secrets, patenting our seeds while destroying our natural God given mechanisms for sustenance, taxing and contaminating our air, and hoarding our water. This is a serious problem and must be addressed. How can we best do our part to help POTUS resolve this issue?? Thanks again!!