First and foremost, Q, and Q team, Whom do you serve?
Second, Pleiadians, are they real? Why the dance around proof(s) when it comes to UFO's and ET species. I want to believe, but there is so much disinfo.
Third, Freemasons have a DEEP tie with local, state and fed law enforcement, when will this end? Are WE the PEOPLE required to raise a fuss to begin the process to irradiate freemasonry?
When will classified energy technology be released and used publicly? - Is there any risk to doing this right now or in the future?
Time Travel, which method is legit and safest to uncover/share publicly?
Med Beds, are they real and why aren't our vets getting the BEST healthcare beyond what we already know is killing (us)?
ChemTrails, why have they not been stopped yet?
Food products that contain human fetal cells, when will these companies be held responsible?
Taxation is theft. When will it end?
When will the people no longer be poisoned?? It would help speed up the awakening if they were no longer getting their daily doses of poison to kill their mind.
The Mark of The Beast, what is it and how can WE avoid it?