You mentioned restructuring the Fed. Will it be removed from the Rothschilds control and will We The People take back control of the currency?
Will the currency still be the USD after the reset?
How long do we have before the economic collapse?
What will be the new reserve currency? Will we have a national currency? Crypto or asset backed?
Will the Rothschilds be taken down, stripped of their assets, and thrown in prison for the rest of their miserable lives or hung?
When we go through the economic reset will it be worse than the Great Depression?
How long will it be before things would begin to stabilize?
What would be the best asset to help carry wealth over to the new system?
In what ways so we need to be prepared for the reset? Do we need to be self-sufficient on food, water, supplies, weapons and ammo? How long do we need to be prepared for?
Is there a certain trigger we should look for that would bring the system down?
Is there anyone you would suggest to follow that is close to accurate with this kind of info?
Warrior Patriot