Anonymous ID: a4ded7 Theory June 30, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.1979251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After reading all the crumbs from Q and Anons I figured I'd fling an idea and see if anything sticks:


Back in the 70s the Cabals plan to solidify control of the population was complete and just needed willing partners to help facilitate its success. The plan was a multi-stage approach that centered mainly around the development of for profit prisons and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).


For profit prisons: I read somewhere that high level management in the music industry all got together for a secret meeting, the kind where you had to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to attend and listen to what They had to say. The pitch? For profit prisons that would use rap music to incite violence and drug use to ensure specific targeting of a peoples. The benefits for those in attendance was the promise of major wealth since the idea was new and they were allowed to get in as the initial investors. One CEO became quickly enraged at the idea and was promptly removed from the meeting and reminded of the NDA he had already signed. His friend, who was trying to calm him down, was also removed from the meeting. I read this on-line some years ago and have not been able to find it again, but the details were written from a first person's pov that was in attendance.


HFCS: HFCS as you all know is a substitute for sugar that has made products cheaper and more enjoyable for quite some time, but the thing I find interesting about it is that I cant find any record of its initial development or testing to see the effects on humans. HFCS is interesting to me because although it is similar to real sugar, sucrose, it is vastly different because in sugar the glucose and fructose molecules are joined together; but in HFCS they are separate. What this separation does is allow the HFCS to be released directly into the bloodstream of the person consuming it, but with sugar there is a delay since it has to be digested first. Think of sugar as a glass of water and HFCS as an i.v. Since sugar is a stimulant it can affect different parts of the body by speeding them up, which should be concerning since the bloodstream also flows to the brain. Have you ever seen a baby hypnotized with a pacifier dipped in HFCS?


My theory is that HFCS helps to normalize certain behaviors that are constantly heard or seen by stimulating the immune system of the brain to release more microglia, which prune the synapses in our brain to make it more efficient. Pretty sure this is also why cognitive disorders are starting to rapidly increase in numbers. It's becoming harder to buy food that doesn't have HFCS in it. Used sparingly, HFCS should have little effect on an individual but for those who start feeling withdrawals from a lack of it might want a change in diet.

The effects of HFCS on the brain could also explain why it's so hard to reason with certain individuals. A lie repeatedly told eventually becomes the truth because when we recall an event we are just referencing what we remember. The best way I could try to explain it is to draw a picture and leave it out in the sun. It will quickly fade. Over time you keep touching it up, but it's never going to be the original. The sun rapidly fading the picture is the HFCS and the amount of time you spend touching it up after it was faded is like the immune system of your brain. The more frequent you revisit and time you spend on it = the closer to the original it's going to be. The less = the more it will change.


Any Anons ever hear that story about the music industry? I had a concussion from a possible motorcycle accident last week which helped me recall that story, but I lost that current week of memory.


Also I think my comms are being monitored/compromised so gonna watch from a distance from now on. Good luck and God bless Q+, Q, and all Anons. WWG1WMFGA!