"The new order is the source of much vice and corruption in the world"
I agree with everything you said there, but I hesitate to refer to them as the New World Order for one good reason: It's actually the same "world order" that's been pushed on humanity even before the invention of writing that enabled us to record our history. There's nothing "new" about it, it's the Old World Order. IMO, there really IS a New World Order that has been established but it's been under attack by the Old World Order since the day of its inception: It's the first time in known human history that an entire nation was founded on the principles of individual Sovereignty & Individual Rights upheld & defended by a form of government in accordance to the established Supreme Law of the Land. A Supreme Law that was not written to limit the people, but to limit the government. A nation that is not founded on ideals geared towards conquest & control, but to rather lead by example, with peace & the strength to keep it.
Yeah, I bet you see what I'm saying here…These United States of America are the real New World Order as we can show the rest of the world what freedom from oppressive government truly looks like. Even as the Old World Order had been working to subvert us back into its Old World Order, this nation offered hope to the world that freedom is real & sustainable…That's why this nation has become such a magnet for people all over the world from such diverse cultures coming to become Citizens. But we also must always maintain vigilance against the corruption that lies in the very heart of the OWO. This is one of those times.
Let's unite once again & show the world that true peace & prosperity can be had by all, if they're just willing to work for it & to stand guard over it.