where is the new bread?
How can we get the Europeans to stop Chemtrailing? We tell people about it but it often falls on deaf ears.
Are we going to see the end of Chemtrailing in the 12 months?
Is at least one of the Trump Aides an 'extraterrestrial' ?
Is there anyone currently in a leadership of country position that is NOT a bad guy/related to the Cabal?
Will we see more of our true ancestors/are they extraterrestrial?
So many Q's…We Crave and NEED the Truth.
"Faint Proxima Centauri is the one that claims the honor of being our true nearest stellar neighbor at only 4.24 light years away."
Personally - I don't think that distance is relevant considering imagined methods of transport and speed, as depicted in movies and TV. But is doesn't answer the question. Only more questions… and you?