Greetings Q,
I hope and pray you are not a lonely single individual and have cadre around you. Please stay safe and don't die.
Jordan B. Peterson explains that left-leaning folks innate moral beliefs centered around delivering fairness and equity are the pathway for masterminds and despots to claim power and twist the culture. That a drive for something that seems so natural and right, fairness, could be used to subvert and enslave mankind and lead to atrocities and genocides strikes me as the greatest social exploit of all time. It has got to be satanic. Peterson says that the antidote is getting more people to be self-reliant, improve themselves mentally and physically, and to get themselves sorted morally. Beyond encouragement for everyone to "yeah, do that", can you give us an actionable next step? We can steer society back towards the good for the long term and you can focus where we go one and all!
Also, as a lurker I posted a letter of gratitude in that thread to POTUS thanking God for him and that God uses even wicked men for his plans. That I didn't vote for him in '16, but he certainly has my vote next time. I encouraged others bring meaning to all this winning bigly. That God is real and active and to read the bible and get involved with a deep dive in bible study. There's usually one or two posts in that gratitude thread every day, and immediately following my gratitude, it seemed like there were hundreds and the thread was full. Was that shill activity reacting to what I said? What precisely was it about my gratitude that was so threatening to (((them)))? Seeing that flood of trash that followed my message freaked me out! Is there a proper recast of my points there that should be amplified/memeified?
Luv u,