repost from late last bread….
>>18440322 pb
>I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for S-protein detox at this time
anon concurs, and i've been taking nutraceutical grade nattokin-ase for 3 months (post-covid, not post vax).
the mild angina i was experiencing vanished almost immediately, and my resting blood pressure has returned almost to normal.
if anyone is plans on using this, PLS TAKE NOTICE…
nattokin-ase is an enzyme, a protein, and normally proteins DO NOT survive passage thru the GI tract.
this one seems to be a rare example of one that can, BUT….
in order to minimize the amount that is destroyed in the stomach
and maximize the amount that is able to be absorbed into the blood
you MUST take this on a COMPLETELY empty stomach.
first thing in the morning is convenient for me.
but whatever is convenient for you, make sure it's been a MINIMUM of 8hrs since you've eaten or drank anything.
and after you take it, do not eat or drink anything for another 2hrs.
this will maximize the amount that gets into your blood, which is where it needs to go to do its job.
failure to follow these directions will render the nattokin-ase useless, and turn it into nothing more than very expensive piss.