Q anon MSM / Homeland writer producer.
This guy worked on Deadwood, NYPD
Blue and Homeland, Hatfield McCoy.
Q anon MSM / Homeland writer producer.
This guy worked on Deadwood, NYPD
Blue and Homeland, Hatfield McCoy.
Nut 'em doc, nut 'em!
castration has a variety different forms (testicles only v penis and testes, just benis) serve different purposes.
When the second Great Awakening swept through New England Emily Dickinson's family was caught up in the religious excitement, the renewal.
It never happened for her. Something else seems like it might have been going on.
https:/ /www.weeklystandard.com/daniel-ross-goodman/the-mysteries-of-emily-dickinson-revealed
>>1845190 You have posted it many many times.
It is a civil suit brought by paytriot SS agent who has also written a book about Hillary degeneracy.
It appears like the civil suit was filed to promote the book and you are spamming it for the same reason.
Manly little liar.
>>1845218 << Notable
Guessing: beam o' light related (?)
The optimal tactic for Japanese is write, call, HQ in Japan, explain how seriously iamfonda 's comments about the president are viewed by real Americans.
Like iamfonda here = Aum Shin cultist there
They will shit-o-can his movie. Remember, Japanese. Be respectful. They get it.
That would be excellent, anon.
Did you read it anon?
Early Assyrian and Chinese civilizations transposed this knowledge to humans: boys born in poverty would be castrated and sent to work under the yoke of the state in the imperial household. (In China, both penis and testicles were removed—these “three treasures” were pickled in a jar, brought out for special occasions, and buried with the eunuch.) Eunuchs were often taller, sometimes stronger than average, and were frequently employed as the core of an imperial guard. They could work in the imperial harem without fear that they’d cuckold the emperor.
I expect it's the first of a series from this fag - a pink pill that will turn red when digested.
Newfags, shills make obvious mistakes so that you will correct them.
Do NOT respond to their clever tactics
Demonstrate advanced cleverness
Do NOT engage SHILLS
Reposting because important.
Why do (((they))) promotes gender/sex conflating behaviors?
There’s usually an element of voyeurism in the Roman accounts, a curiosity about ambiguous gender and genitalia that’s still visible in media coverage of the phenomenon today. Eunuchs were high-class slaves, the most expensive in the market; in losing testicles they were believed to have lost family loyalty and to have become faithful only to their masters and to the empire.