Anonymous ID: 3683b7 June 21, 2018, 4:05 a.m. No.1845150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5165


sounds like one of my favorite songs

>So good to see you once again.

>I thought that you were hiding.

>And you thought that I had run away.

>Chasing the tail of dogma.



>Stop thinking completely. Not as easy as it sounds.

wtf that's the same way we defeat gozer

Anonymous ID: 3683b7 June 21, 2018, 4:27 a.m. No.1845248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5255


Is it possible to wake up without doing that?

Or perhaps to have never gone to sleep?

How do I know if I'm awake or not?

I kinda feel awake.


I have had moments of pure mental discipline while competing in martial arts. In fact, I can recall very little from the hundreds of matches I've had.

Anonymous ID: 3683b7 June 21, 2018, 4:43 a.m. No.1845307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5328


I tend to forget my dreams lately. Even when I "remember", I can never explain in detail what happened. Probably because it seems like time doesn't exist within a dream. Or it's not in the right order anyway.



well I tend to frown on coincidences, I think GW should at least get a participation trophy for it

Anonymous ID: 3683b7 June 21, 2018, 6:03 a.m. No.1845806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5816


yup, I gave up on it months ago


they even evercookied one of my browsers for calling that "dear white people" bitch a house nigger, it was a gay black guy account, so it wasn't "rayciss"


whateeeever, i've always said twatter's only for retards who type with their thumbs