Anonymous ID: 61712a June 21, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.1845574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5585


The riots are going to happen. The cabal operatives have organized them and even paid people to participate in them. They will probably get violent, and people will get hurt. The media will portray any attempt to stop it as facism. We can count on this happening…just as they did at some of the Trump rallies in 2016 while the cops did little to protect the rally attendees.


Don't count on NG either. As long as they are being controlled by cabal governors they will do nothing. We have seen with our own eyes how the governors are now refusing to command them to assist CBP with controlling the border as the president requested.


Something seriously big needs to happen toi wake more people up, and POTUS is going to have to respond to all of this in a way that makes these 'resisters' know that he means business. They must be seriously put down. Our meme war will not be enough. It may actually take Martial Law to stop the madness. This is the catalyst that would very suddenly bring all of it to a screeching halt.


I wouldn't mind seeing this happen (including the riots).Its time. These mofos are out of control, and their BS has already gone on way too long at our expense. Watching this fucked up Congress trying to steer the country off a cliff while stuffing their pockets with cash is getting to be too much to take. There will be no unity as long as these people keep doing shit and getting away with it, and as long as the media keeps promoting hatred, and as long as activist judges keep blocking the president. Sometimes the only way to stop a wild animal from harming you is to kill it.


Yes, its DC. And things take a long time to happen there, but that is something that needs to change too. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell should BOTH have been gone long ago.