Anonymous ID: 7079dc June 21, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.1845667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5709 >>5744 >>5887

@BO or @BV since meta is full.


Posted about too many pins/stickys forever ago and now it's even worse. If new people show up, they won't even see a general thread. I doubt most will know about catalog right away. My thoughts on it.


"Letters of Gratitude" - Doesn't need sticky, but it's sentimental, I get it. It can stay.


"TTDDTOT" - Stay/Good


"Memes", "Advanced Memes", "Side By Side" - None of these absolutely need a sticky. Suggest combining them all into one sticky, make it cyclical. If you really feel you need a shit tier meme thread and a 'good' thread, then at least combine side by side and advanced memes (whatever those are?). Highly suggest 1 cyclical thread.


"Q Proofs Forge" and "Q Proofs" - Hard to avoid these, could be combined if Q proofs was moved to its own board (like Q's board) or using off site hosting.


"meta" - is fine. could be cyclical


"Board construction" - this is meta. Combine with meta.


Criminal referral and sex trafficking arrests are questionable as stickys.


Redpilling support doesn't need to be a sticky.


"How to archive a website offline" - Could be changed into a welcome FAQ/landing page. Put common terms/things to know/etc for people.


Less stickys lets the board flow more normal. Lets other threads show up on the front page of non catalog, so people are more likely to discover or post in them.


Somehow fat fingered a key to post before done last time. Whoops.