Anonymous ID: 1e2038 March 5, 2023, 3:22 p.m. No.18452233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2246 >>2294


the problem with 'branded memes'

has always been that no matter who does it, how nice, how sweet, how loving, anyone else

can just copy the format and style of the memes

and pretend to be that persona.

all of this discussion is a rehash of stuff that was discussed here years ago.

een if someone is pure and wonderful, the fact is that name-fagging always (always) leads to that persona being misused by horrible people who don't care about anon or about decorum or about being helpful.


and the ones who sit here pretending that it's OK to be a famefag, like the anime persona, and spend hours debating the same thing, making the same points, it's a waste of bread and of time.

there aren't just 'three operatives'. there are as many as want to be.

and if there were a real AFLB person, in Vancouver, or whoever, forever anyone else who has the memes saved and pretend to be him/her/it.

Anonymous ID: 1e2038 March 5, 2023, 3:34 p.m. No.18452289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2308 >>2352


my memory of it is that the persona when it's 'nice' is reasonable, and bakes and does a good job.

but far too often . . . it quickly triggers the . . .

well you know.

and while it is unfair to the person who does the bit, the fact is that the anime triggers a lot of people.

and so that is disrupting.

but it is important to remind people, as you have said, that anime is not . . . the worst kind of stuff. and while anime can be used for making bad stuff, in fact most of it is benign and of no consequence and nothing to be concerned about in terms of being harmful to children.


but, because of the obsessive personality needing to maintain the stupidity of being a fame fag, it is a distraction.

so, yes, Anime, as an art form is fine.

but, spamming it as your 'image'

well, I think many people have trouble with that.

and you know this and do it anyway.

and that takes balls.

and it's misused by others, and yes it is stolen, and made to be the front for personas that are rather horrid, confrontation, and post stuff to try and harm the board.

I'm not saying it's you, specifically who does that. But you're insistence on using up everyone's time by spurging this . . .

is not cool or friendly at all.

making all the breads, well that is awesome.