Anonymous ID: 174813 March 6, 2023, 5:49 a.m. No.18454674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The plan is magnificent, really. Show everyone all the shit they never noticed as they lived their lives, day in and day out, under the old guard. Set it up to be revealed "while Biden is president" (big huge fucking air quotes for obvious reasons). Why? To show everyone, right? Because telling them wouldn't do the trick. It's about the only thing that would make sense, and yes, the complete picture behind it all really would put 99% in a hurt locker.


If you were him, could you do it? Could you stay in control of a managed train wreck long enough to make sure people were convinced enough to want to change? To push and entire nation to the precipice to want it to be different? Just conceiving it is difficult for most, I think. Hell, I could be wrong; who knows. The man is something else.

Anonymous ID: 174813 March 6, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.18454731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4738 >>4751


We live in a universe of possibilities. Ron could be ultra secret maga undercover and playing the "can't be trusted" card while POTUS slings (mostly ineffectual) attacks at him. It sounds like some shit Eric Bishoff and Roger Stone would conjure up on bar napkins over shots. Everyone's fucking with someone, and it's fun as hell to watch.