Q+ retruths a Q drop
Shut up you conspiracy theorist.
It means teamwork.
'Killbox' brackets does not necessarily imply denigration.
>everyone who isn't a celebrity, talking head, or politician
There are good 'celebrities', good 'talking heads' and 'good' politicians.
We're not divided by economic class.
Did you start that division or did those who rape and kill?
We don't need to play 'their' game, not even to defend ourselves.
Depends on whose perspective is being acknowledged.
>celebrities either hit the nail on the head or they don't, like anyone else
>celebrity status has no meaning
Pick one.
>All anons have to do is see the rainbow on the bread title to see they've raided the board.
Since when did any group OWN rainbows?
Anon enjoyed rainbows as a child, no homo but doesn't matter.
>You keep thinking that. I bet you wore the damn masks too huh
How did you get from 'rainbows are not owned by any group' to 'I wear masks'?
You're doing what you're negating.