The SPLC is nothing less than a RICO propaganda outlet of the progressive left. Sub human pieces of shit. All of them.
Anyone who complicit, aided and abetted, lobbied for, promoted China's infiltration into this country, into our universities, our local, state and federal government to the highest office in the land, should be immediately arrested, charge with Treason, transported to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for their Military Tribunal, convicted and hung by the fucking neck until dead.
This has all been in the works since the Nixon era and we are now witnessing the total infiltration of the Communist Chinese Party on our soil. I'm wondering who, in our Military and IC knew this and allowed it to happen?
Add this to the report faggot.
Fraud viciates everything.
Well, Mike ain't saying anything we all don't already know. The left in this country believe they are the rightful heirs to America. If you are conservative, republican, libitarian and stand in opposition to their sham then you are ……………………….fill in the fucking blank.
No common ground, no mutual interest. Not even health. These people are the root of every fucking ill that plagues this nation and the world for that matter. Time to set this shit straight.
This real tweet from the Doctor?
She's a fucking SKANK. Who's go that meme of that short haired, no tit SKANK butt naked with the horse mouth screaming out in the street with the rest of the left's filth?
Not human. Alien. Evil alien.
He's definately one and there are many, many others since the Nixon era. Fucking Traitors.
You fucking idiot. I know all I need to know about her. She's married to a communist.
Fuck right off asshat.
Yea, zat how it works filth. Shame you weren't there to participate you antfi fuck.
It ain't. Alien. From who the fuck knows where.
Crimes against humanity. Try them, convict them, hang them. Nuremberg 2.0
She's beautiful. Wonder what her handicap is?
>you're squeezing it out and it gently caresses your balls
You like that don't cha anon? btw…………you didn't get all of it. You smell like shit.
Well, we ain't no where near that so look for it to get worse. Much worse.
You know Q, don't really give a fuck about those who refuse to open their eyes and see. Y'all gonna let this shit get so bad that exactly what you sought to avoid, will be assured.