Anonymous ID: 0397c3 June 21, 2018, 7:08 a.m. No.1846402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6761



>Q is a phenomenon

>I know there is a person(s) conveying the message, but it is not about the person.




Even if Q never returned…


…I would still believe that what makes America Great are the principles and values upon which she was founded (as written in the Declaration of Independence), and NOT on the corporatism, war profiteering, neocolonialism, consumerism, identity politics, and immoral pop culture pestilence that now seeks to destroy it from within…

…I would still believe that our POTUS has a heart of Gold and would give his life to save our country…

…I would still believe that our POTUS won the 2016 election because ‘We the People’ were inspired by the message…

…I would still believe that there are ‘more good people than bad’

…I would still believe that the ‘world is fighting back [against] the cult [that] runs the world’

…I would still believe that the Rothschilds, the Saudis, and Soros et al. should be charged and neutralized for their crimes against humanity…

…I would still believe that the [deep state] should NOT have the ability to control ‘public opinion’ thru their centralized corporate minions in Hollywood, the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google.

…I would still believe that our UNITED Qanon effort to RED PILL the Public has been an EPIC success…

…I would still believe that ‘There is NO bigger threat to ‘them’ than the public being AWAKE and thinking for themselves.’

…I would still believe that the ‘TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE’

…I would still believe that YOU should ‘Trust in yourself’

…I would still believe that ‘The choice will always be yours’

…I would still believe that ‘The future belongs to the dreamers, not to the critics.’


…I would still recognize the TRUTH when I SEE it, NOT because of who ordains It.


The Q phenomenon represents the latest resurrection of the “American hero”, an archetype personified by a virtuous, anonymous patriot.


Like the “unknown soldier”, such mythological heroes, by their very nature represent a set of transcendent ideals that can never be destroyed.


"Shills" however, are merely whetstones we use to sharpen the sword of TRUTH…