Anonymous ID: 3de434 June 21, 2018, 6:46 a.m. No.1846142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6230 >>6650

Related to recent GOOG posts by Q?

Dissent allowed?

They fired Engineer James Damore last year for thought crimes.


Google Engineers Refused to Build Security Tool to Win Military Contracts


Earlier this year, a group of influential software engineers in Google’s cloud division surprised their superiors by refusing to work on a cutting-edge security feature. Known as “air gap,” the technology would have helped Google win sensitive military contracts. The coders weren’t persuaded their employer should be using its technological might to help the government wage war, according to four current and former employees. After hearing the engineers’ objections, Urs Hölzle, Google’s top technical executive, said the air gap feature would be postponed, one of the people said. Another person familiar with the situation said the group was able to reduce the scope of the feature.


The act of rebellion ricocheted around the company, fueling a growing resistance among employees with a dim view of Google’s yen for multi-million-dollar government contracts. The engineers became known as the “Group of Nine” and were lionized by like-minded staff. The current and former employees say the engineers’ work boycott was a catalyst for larger protests that convulsed the company’s Mountain View, California, campus and ultimately forced executives to let a lucrative Pentagon contract called Project Maven expire without renewal. They declined to name the engineers and requested anonymity to discuss a private matter.

It's unclear if Google has abandoned air gap technology or is still planning to build it over employees’ objections. The feature is not technically very difficult, so Google could easily find other engineers to do the work. While over 4,000 people at the company signed a petition against Project Maven, that’s roughly 5 percent of total full-time staff. A company spokesperson declined to comment.

Anonymous ID: 3de434 June 21, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.1846605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6618 >>6673 >>6710

Does this manager/restaurant deserve our attention?




The Mexican restaurant where Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was swarmed by protesters Tuesday in Washington, D.C., took no action to quell the protesters or ensure Nielsen’s safety, a manager told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday.


“We are not upset the protesters came here and we are not upset even if it was any of our staffers [who tipped off] the protesters,” the MXDC Cocina Mexicana manager, who refused to give his name, told TheDCNF. “We are happy about what happened.”

Anonymous ID: 3de434 June 21, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.1846695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was this investigation a form of retaliation?




A Veterans Affairs hospital opened an investigation against a whistle-blower but then did an about face after inquiries from The Daily Caller.

Greg Chiles is a VA police officer who works at the Fort Harrison, Montana VA Medical Center; he was one of four VA whistle-blowing cops featured in an April article from TheDC, where each described facing systemic corruption and retaliation.

The other three VA police officers featured were: Tim Petoskey of the Seattle VA, John Moline of the Sheridan, Wyoming VA, and Ghassan “Goose” Ghannoum of the Los Angeles VA.