Anonymous ID: 65111c June 21, 2018, 7 a.m. No.1846312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6334

>>1846114 (not shill but notices new doubt tactic also)

Hatch act slide is new! HatchShills here saying 'go look it up'; when you do, it is very clear who is exempt and the list is A LOT bigger than just POTUS/VPOTUS. Shills now want us to believe that only CNN/NBC/ABC/FOX/NPR are allowed to inform the public; keep an eye out anons for new slide. We are now a well informed, well-regulated militia

They are losing

They are mad

They want us Divided

Because they are Divided


Attacks will intensify

Those who supplied Pedophiles are abandoning ship

Those who profited have made many mistakes

Pedophiles turned rabid (FONDA

Pedophiles trying to stay united

Pedophiles are the loudest

Pedophiles will be hung

Pedophiles will be shot

Pedophiles will be beheaded

The world will return to LIGHT from Dark

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Anonymous ID: 65111c June 21, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.1846775   🗄️.is 🔗kun


was Jesus sent by God as a warning to us or to a specific tribe?

Someone triggered Jesus when he walked towards the temple and saw the money changers, politicians selling 'sheep/cattle'

>They think you will follow the STARS.

>They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

Have yet to see one pedowood movie with pedostars depict the Jesus flipping table scene with humans, have yall?