Anonymous ID: e0b596 June 21, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.1846756   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do you all understand what's being done here with this board? Aside from Q posting here, obviously. There's another subtle subconscious trick that's been planned for the normies.


Do you see it yet? Real 9D chess is being played here underneath our noses but right in front of our eyes. Subtly hidden like medicine in a piece of hamburger. Consciously undetected as it works its magic behind the scenes on the inside of the body.


After Q becomes public and normies begin learning about Q, they're going to undoubtedly see quotes or screengrabs from the board as internet sites rush to cash in on the "Who/What is Q" "Q Explained" train.

This, undoubtedly, is going to lead to a whole lot of questions that normies are going to ask themselves as they go along.

"What's a baker? Oh, they're talking about baking bread. Why are they talking about baking bread? Why are they posting photos of women to thank bakers? What kind of bread are they baking? What does it stand for, it clearly doesn't stand for actual bread??"


And that, my friends, is when someone (whether they came across a website, a friend, or a youtube video) is going to explain to them "Oh, they're using food as a euphemism for making/baking memes because it's funny"


This simple awareness of understanding - that food could be used as a funny metaphor for other things - is the trojan horse that is being injected into the normies that will work behind the scenes until Pizzagate hits the mainstream. At that point, their automatic, programmed response will be "Oh, that makes sense, they must have been using food metaphors because they thought it was funny."

And then they truly realize the depravity of what has been going on. Unlike making light of funny internet posts, the Elites were able to casually make light of such horrifyingly sinister acts, and then go out in public the next day with a bright smile.


And that, my friends, is the day that they will no longer be able to safely walk the streets.