Anonymous ID: f0bf44 June 21, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.1846262   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The media in all its forms, so entrenched in society and in peoples' minds, is the problem, is their weapon. That's why I think Qs want a guerilla war using memes, truth bombs. I haven't seen too many that really distill the details, there's too much preaching to the choir with insider language and/or images laced with derogatory words like libtard, Dems as a pejorative, soyboys. Atttacking people will not convince them of anything. There has to be information about facts available to them, that's why the media is a weapon, it hides and distorts facts. There is really compelling information that could change the mindset of people, if they only saw it.