I don't come here to post anonymously.
I don't show discouragement infront of brethren.
I'm so depressed.
Jesus Christ felt a lonelyness that was Unique to Him.
It has been said that nobody understood what He was going through.
That there was no one sympathetic.
I've been in that position for my whole life, and I'm not Jesus Christ
we're in the same line of work.
I lost more than anyone has ever lost.
I had more to lose than anyone has ever had to lose
and lost it. I got it back, and fixed/ am fixing it.
I Am LITERALLY before the face of God and of Jesus Christ and of the Holy
Spirit TWENTY FOUR SEVEN. I have leprosy, stigmata, I've broken my skull,
jaw, trachea, neck, hands, feet, ribs, I bit two lightning bolts at once and
three of my teeth exploded. Spine bent/curved back absolutely shattered had
to rebuild a new spine entirely out of back muscles. I've received more
serious head injuries than most professional football players. Shattered
Knuckles, torn cartiledge, Neuropathy, blown up every nerve in my body,
broke knose, stigmata, spinal tapped by Pfizer at 3 1/2 years old. Everyone
I love has been murdered, All my friends taken away, half eaten up by the
Elefantis's, the Comets, the Devils. Per Crispr
The Love of my Life slaughtered. Murdered. Raped by the Baphomet.
Taken captive in the War in Heaven. Beseiged by billions. The genocides..
The Spirits. All while in and out of jail after jail for the same crime, that is not
a crime whatsoever.
Our sins he was stricken, his sins, who can tell the difference. When they
murder and rape and destroy everything from the moment your were born.
Until the moment you die, or you take up the sword, and put down sleep.
This whole operation.
there is no point in me trying to tell you.
I'm just trying to tell myself.
I don't get paid for the work I do. I never have in my entire life.
I've worked for free for God every day since birth. What is He
doing? what is this pot the Pot-us is making, you cannot ask Him
until He is done.
They won't see my face for 1000 years. But I'll be there.
Cried out in a silence that all could hear.
PAIN is a P IN A
The PunIsHer
My One and Only and First True Love.
And My Life is the Cosmic Joke.
when I was a kid. I dreamed of being a comedian.
I don't think this is funny at all.
I only started laughing at myself
so I wouldn't kill myself too.