DOD Audit?
Freedom Cities are 15 minutes cities repackaged and rebranded
they are in control of their operation… against all of us.
Is the Media a ttool of the MIC? yes.
Is sarcov2 and the jabs or warp speed military operations? yes.
no way they get this far without the military leading the charge.
the dialectic of the wizards and warlocks being played on the world is a military op.
Yes, the military is in control. They are targeting us (US Citizens and humanity at large) however, not serving us.
Both have owners, not too different. Just more Babylon.
There is nothing free or aligned with freedom in a city. Any city, anywhere, ever.
Builder of the first city was Cain.
Nimrod after.
Nothing but Babylon(s). City being a modern word for a Babylon, with CITY-zen being the word for the owned assets of said business/city.