Anonymous ID: 0de32f March 8, 2023, 6:34 a.m. No.18467518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7546 >>8044


Fake News is Pro CP

so is this fake news media whore Raeth family from Ohio


Some parents in Hudson believeoutrage over writing prompt book is out of line


Posted at 5:22 PM, Sep 15, 2021

and last updated 7:00 PM, Sep 15, 2021


HUDSON, Ohio — A book is continuing to cause controversy in Hudson.


The book titled ‘642 Things to Write About’ contains writing prompts with topics some consider to be inappropriate for high school students.


Now, the mayor is calling for the entire school board to resign.


But some parents say that’s only one side of the story and think the outrage is out of line.


“I just think it's absolutely absurd,” saidRegan Raeth, a 2020 graduate of Hudson High School.


The book was used for years in the school’s College Credit Plus writing class, but was taken away from students Monday after parents and administrators became aware of some of the writing prompts inside.


One prompt instructs the writer to drink a beer and then write about the taste. Another said, “Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.”


“It was this small, teeny, tiny thing that we were exposed to maybe 20 minutes a week at max,” said Raeth. “You pick your prompts, you sit down, you write it, and then you put the book back. That was the whole thing.”


Raeth said her teacher only used the book a few times a week to help students get creative with their writing at the beginning of classes and they never used any of the more explicit prompts.


“We were warned about there being some explicit material. And she just said, ‘Don't use the prompts.’ And so none of us did. We all ignored it,” said Raeth.


The book went unnoticed for years until some parents and administrators discovered the prompts inside Friday.


Monday, some outraged parents grilled the school board at a meeting.


“Do not sexualize our kids,” said parent Morris Norman.


But they don’t represent all parents in Hudson, according to Regan’s mom, Erika Raeth.


“The reality is it's a college-level course. That's what it is,” said Raeth.


Raeth has another daughter, Anja, who currently takes the CCP writing course at Hudson High School.


She said she didn’t even know about the book until Monday when Facebook groups were flooded with the news and an email went out letting parents know the school administration was taking the books away.


“It's not something my other child ever mentioned because it was such a non-issue, non-part of the class,” said Raeth.


She said even if she knew, it wouldn’t have fazed her.


"I trust my kids. I know they're mature enough to handle that. They probably see worse things on TikTok on a daily basis," said Raeth.



Kent State University studentRegan Raeth looks at her vaccination bandageas she waits for 15 minutes after her shot in Ohio on Apr 8, 2021. (Photo: AP/Phil Long) Virus Outbreak Ohio

Anonymous ID: 0de32f March 8, 2023, 8:04 a.m. No.18467926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everything always comes back to Ukraine

Notable from yesterday about

ODNI election "czar" Shelby Pierson

She was put in by Dan Coats as Election Threats Expert.

Starting in 2013she was in charge of Ukraine Intelligence according to her bio


Nuland Ukrainian coup was in late 2013-2014



>>18462027, >>18462034, Twat Space on Censoring Shelby Pierson of ODNI




Ms.ShelbyPiersonDeputyDirector,SourceOperations&ManagementDirectorateShelbyPiersonservesastheDeputyDirectorofSourceOperationsandManagementDirectorate, where she provides oversight and guidance for the Source mission areasby identifying and advocating to IC, DoD, and partners a broad range of FoundationBased Operations, Safety of Navigation, Commercial GEOINT discovery, assessment,and acquisition, tasking and collection, Geomatics, and Production Managementmissions.Prior to her current position, Ms. Pierson was the federal government’s firstIntelligenceCommunityElectionThreatsExecutive(ETE)andservedasprincipaladvisor to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) on all election security-related matters. As the ETE,Ms. Pierson was responsible for leading and aligningall relevant ODNI election security efforts,includingintegratingsupporttointelligenceoperations,collections, analysis,andpartnerengagement.Ms.PiersonwastheNationalIntelligenceCrisisManagerforthe2018mid-termelectionswhereshemanaged critical election security issues and increased information sharing operations across theIntelligence Community (IC). Of note, she was instrumental in leading substantial improvements inintelligence sharing and management improving stakeholder confidence in federal election support,resilience,andsecurityofthe2020Presidentialelections.From 2017-2019, Ms. Pierson was the National Intelligence Manager (NIM) for Russia, Europe, andEurasia,beingthefirstofficertoholdsuchapositionfromNGA.ShewastheprincipaladvisortotheDNI on regional issues and led the IC’s efforts on integration, collection, analysis, and national-levelstrategies.AppointedtotheSeniorIntelligenceServicein2013andwithover20yearsofserviceintheIntelligenceCommunity, Ms. Pierson has led the GEOINT posture across Russian, Ukraine, Asia, and Syria.She hasa unique, diverse background that includes GEOINT sources, methods, regional, functional and policymattersthatbridgemultipledisciplinesacrosstheIC, aswellassubstantialexperienceinthefieldofadversarial denial and deception. Her career began as imagery analyst working on Iraqi ground forces; sheprides herself on her experience in the analytic ranks as instantiating her commitment to tradecraft andintelligenceintegrity.Ms.PiersonholdsaB.A.inInternationalAffairsfromLewis&ClarkCollegeinPortland,Oregon,withan emphasis in national security and environmental policy. In January of 2017, she was awarded thePresident’s Meritorious Rank Award for Senior Intelligence Service officers. Ms. Pierson resides inNorthernVirginiawithherfamily.