singing the praises of the who and tedross.
remember they released the virus early to stop trump from winning and bringing in balets harvesting and the most corrupt election every held as stated by biden.
singing the praises of the who and tedross.
remember they released the virus early to stop trump from winning and bringing in balets harvesting and the most corrupt election every held as stated by biden.
the fucking retards.
anyone can read a book and talk about it
so they are calling dr wade of being a white supremist cos david duke read his book.
Raskin - muh Trump lives under his bandana rent free
Anon is collecting notes on the covid origin subcommittee.
so many hearings today. may need to get a list today of links and titles.
>>18467372 Select Subcommittee Hearing: Investigating Origins of COVID-19
>>18467372, >>18467395, Select Subcommittee Hearing: Investigating Origins of COVID-19
>>18467399 DASZAK MP4 VID
>>18467453, >>18467466, EcoHealth Alliance Website, programs and locations.
>>18467459, >>18467487, >>18467503, sequence 11652 patent screen shot of genome code.
>>18467531, >>18467692 memes on covid hearing
>>18467623 ex-CDC director Robert Redfield: "The outbreak of Covid 19 was more likely the result of a lab leak than as a result of a natural spillover event.”- twat
Dr. Wenstrup [Chairman]: The genome of COVID-19 is inconsistent with expectations, and is unique for it's group of viruses. COVID-19 has both a binding domain, optimized for human cells, and a furin cleavage site, for a small part of the virus that makes it so infectious. That has never been seen before in a SARS-related virus. In other words, COVID-19 has unique characteristics that made it very in
fectious to humans. These have never been seen before in any other viruses of it's type.
>>18467661 Dr. Wenstrup [Chairman]: For some reason, that we do not yet know, leaders in the scientific community took action to attempt to convince the world that they should not take the lab leak theory seriously. Dr. Francis Collins stated he was more concerned with harm to international harmony, than he was with investigating the lab leak. Dr. Fauci said the lab leak theory was a shiny object that will go away in time. The president of EcoHealth, Dr. Peter Daszak, orchestrated a letter in the Lancet that called the lab leak a conspiracy theory, a statement that directly benefited Dr. Daszak himself.
Dr Ruiz [ranking member]: Today's hearing marks a concerning step down the path of letting extremism getting in the way of an inquiry that should be led by science and facts.
['doctor' panic, kek]
Mr. Wade: When the epidemic first broke out in December 2019, natural origin and lab leak were two equally reasonable explanations. But if the virus had emerged naturally, it should have left many tell-tale signs in the environment. None has yet appeared, despite the Chinese governments keen interest in finding them.
Mr. Wade: It's hard to believe that in the twilight of their long careers [Collins and Fauci], they would seriously mishandle an issue as important as the origin of the COVID virus. Yet that is what the evidence seems to point to.
Dr. Wenstrup [Chairman]: Has Gain of Function [research] created any life-saving vaccines or therapeutics to your knowledge?
Dr. Redfield: Not to my knowledge.
Wenstrup: Has Gain of Function [research] stopped a pandemic in your opinion?
Redfield: No. On the contrary, I think it probably caused the greatest pandemic our world has seen.
Ranking member Ruiz is more concerned with accusing Dr. Wade of being some kind of racist than seriously investigating the origin of COVID-19.
Raskin: The COVID-19 pandemic came to America in 2020 of course, when Donald Trump was president. And the president's policy failures, magical thinking, and total recklessness caused, according to his own special advisor on COVID, Deborah Birx, the unnecessary death of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Raskin: Whatever the origins of COVID-19, whether it's bats or bureaucrats, no finding will ever exonerate or rehabilitate Donald Trump for his lethal recklessness in mismanaging the crisis of America which cost us more than a million lives.
ranting about questioning the questioning but not about the origin of the covid 19
Karen derangement
fucking disgusting
mfume is just projecting and race baiting.
low hanging fruit.
strawman arguements.
trust the selected scientist and science
That has gone well so far?
mrs lesko is spot on pulling up the democrats
raskin and mfume for politic reasons and race baiting and attacking trump
another attack on dr wade cos david duke read his book.