We have begun decent
17 months to go?
We have begun decent
17 months to go?
I understand.
I was simply considering Q's recent post
With previous crumbs
Jan 20 to june 20 = 17 months.
Think mirror
Look at uppercase Q
Now flip it to the right
See an Owl?
No coincidences.
The plan took effect Jan. 20
Prior it was only a plan
An idea.
17 months later we hit the peak
POTUS signals all clear for landing
Shout out.
17 months to go.
What is the end game?
What could we believe possible?
I wager that we will find out 17 months after June 20th, 2018
What is the victory celebration celebrating?
Could it be the restoral of America to a Constitutional Republic?
Could it be the arrest of high level people?
Could the end game be the successful prosecution of B_o?
We can have a Victory Celebration before the war is over.
Nothing like a little fuel for the fire.