> Moar repetition of the shill document
Beautiful words, uttered by liars and thieves, ultimately used as a justification for their tyranny.
This time will be different. It better be.
Brick and mortal retail is dead.
Maybe the boutique stores will survive?
Selling service is moar profitable than moving product. Higher margins, less capital outlay.
> Constitution is riddled with backdoor deals and treachery
Yep. "Necessary and proper" is used to justify just about anything [they] want. It's the Bill of Rights that have significance. That is, they would be significant if they were actually enforced in some way.
Need to figure out a way to avoid pic-related, while also avoiding another shill [government].
> doxing
No worries, I pulled it from a search engine.
The War of the Regulation is a good story about what habbens to organic "Revolutions," and the story of pic-related is the reason that the shills had to stage a fake "Declaration of Independence" in 1776.
When pic-related was made governor of N. Carolina, his corruption and tyranny sparked the Regulator uprising. It was 100% organic, and not at all infiltrated by shills. So it was put down in a false-flag attack - the government men attacked under flag of truce and killed everyone.
When pic-related was later made governor of NY, he started embezzling funds and raising taxes there too. Only this time, there veterans of the first war stuck to using guerilla tactics, and they would not assemble into conventional units to be destroyed. The rebels of 1775 were winning.
So [they] sent in an endebted land specuilator and failed military Colonel named George Washington, plus a bunch of other shill "representatives," to issue a "Declaration of Independence" and "lead" an army. Washington went on to lose just about every engagement of the war, while the Regulator veterans in the south kicked-ass. So Washington was forced to "win" the war, allowing him and his [buddies] to continue all of the treachery they had been indulging previously. The subsequent Whiskey Rebellion and First Bank of the United States are pretty good proofs of that.
And [they] have been running the show ever since.
Not. This. Time.
I would have gone out into the woods with my still and my shotgun. Make them come and get me.
Popcorn took the coward's way.
Yeah, imagine that.
Been going on for years anons.
> Dynamite Monkeys
> Shills have switched to using brackets instead of triple-parentheses
It's still not pic-related.