You do not have to tell me as I had to lay down my life to get a message out to him on 12/27/19 to warn him about the imminent danger about to take hold of the good people of America thus the world. I warned on that day to Secret Service and the local police about: riots, looting, arson, pandemic, stolen elections, NG, murder at health care institutions; I knew in my spirit and based upon what I have been going through since 911 that it would happen to patriots and him too. Essentially what was written on the Guidestones per say, were going to be executed. I knew the wouldn't investigate, take any of my proof including video of me working at ground zero, nor previous paychecks, the millions of resumes,etc… That they would try to claim I was crazy and kill me by lethal injection which is exactly what they attempted; no questions ever asked. I was ruining their plans. I told Trump he needs someone like Dan, Kash, or Devin that can safeguard messages to him.