The news does not differ each day, in general, as much as people think. But what of the endlessly run headlines that give a sense of urgency to absolutely everything? The retweet mills, the latest informational seive? How important do you feel it is to constantly check a news source? Any news source? How many times a day are you reaching into the internet to focus on a broad spectrum of happenings? How has that altered your existence? Does your knowledge precipitate involvement or active participation in said events, or does it create a psychological dependency void of real-world effect? Would you feel bad in a day if you could not check on things? Why does this matter? Relatively few events can be shaped through basic knowledge of them, and a knowledge based focus can take up an incredible amount of time and energy. Pragmatism would tell us this is perhaps not the road to go. At least not in the grander 'we must know it all' sense. Pragmatism would say to arm yourself with basic knowledge of a particular focus or ambition, and then to allow your brain a singular kind of focus. This exponentially increases odds of success in comparison. Your focus is valuable, and so a great deal of time is spent by your enemy's collectively attempting to divide it in any way possible, and to keep you hooked up to needs you don't actually have but develop from within the predatory system.
does this sound familiar?
objects in mirror closer than you thought?
the lightbulb moment has arrived.
WTAF good are you doing here?
have you made any arrests today?
is the quality of YOUR life improved?
this place IS a psyop.
don't believe it?
take a break.
check back in two moar weeks.
see if the world or this place is any different.
i'm gonna go do some shit IRL.
shit that will actually improve my daily existence.
see ya…
wouldn't want to be ya…