so, Tate was raped?
Super nefarious, guys. Super duper nefarious.
Not a bad idea to have an agent to handle things like speeches, public appearances, book deals, etc.
Look, I have no love for the Bidens and have never had love for the Bidens. However, I can't encourage people to latch on to garbage criticisms. There is PLENTY of legit shit to criticize with those two.
What are you talking about? Is there something else you would like him to say that would conform to whatever deedle dee circus narrative you've married yourself to?
Have you even read his work prior to the last several months?
Who said he's /ourguy/? And what does /ourguy/ even mean? I hate seeing that /ourwhatever/ crap. False bonhomie-building bullshit. Do "we" have a cheer, as well? I mean, there was the thing and then Flynn decided to co-opt it for his merch.
Honestly, I do believe that the twitter accounts who repeatedly attached other twitter users with the "Q SENT ME" bullshit deserved to be shut down. That was some terrorist-level stuff. There were a LOT of bad "de-codes" and a LOT of idiots with nothing but tapioca in their heads.
some time around mid-2020, I imagine.
someone started doing some informal polling here about thoughts on Taibbi.