After Q’s last, I read through 13 and 14 Amend. I found this description of some of the R’s, ironic. The D’s had always been better at changing/controlling the narrative.
The Radical Republicans were satisfied that they had secured civil rights for blacks, but were disappointed that the amendment would not also secure political rights for blacks; in particular, the right to vote.[17] For example, Thaddeus Stevens, a leader of the disappointed Radical Republicans, said: "I find that we shall be obliged to be content with patching up the worst portions of the ancient edifice, and leaving it, in many of its parts, to be swept through by the tempests, the frosts, and the storms of despotism."[17][18] Abolitionist Wendell Phillips called it a "fatal and total surrender".[18] This point would later be addressed by the Fifteenth Amendment.